Grays Temps Remote Christmas Party!
Thursday, December 17, 2020
Last night we held our first ever remote temp Christmas party via Zoom!
We would like to send a huge thank you to all of our temps who attended, it was a very funny night and we hope you all enjoyed it! Hopefully next year we can revert to our face to face gatherings, but it was so lovely to see you all virtually!
We had a night of bingo, competitions and a raffle. Huge congratulations to the winners!
Chocolate hampers are winging their way to Adrian, Vilma, Liz, Elizabeth, Ellie and Manil.
Lux, your chocolate and alcohol hamper is on it's way.
We've got a box of chocolates headed out to Angela, Delia, Catherine and Sarah-Jayne!
The £50 Amazon voucher will be with you shortly Sharon, well done on winning the raffle!
We are delighted for our winners and hope they enjoy the goodies! To everyone else, thanks for participating, we hope you enjoy your party packs and see you again next year!