Sharing our temps small businesses
Monday, December 7, 2020
We recently mailed out regarding supporting small businesses at Christmas and asked our temps to provide information on any businesses they may own which they wish to promote.
We have had an amazing response to this. Even those who don’t have their own small business have emailed in appreciation of this incentive and are open to supporting small businesses that may have struggled this year. We have received information from our temps on the following small businesses they own and would love to share with you: Click here
Naz and Tania have provided discount codes specifically for our temps:
Naz – Fresh Fragrances: GA10
Tania – Vissage Décor: Xmas10
We hope you enjoy looking through what our temps have to offer and maybe even purchase for a loved one this Christmas!
Please note, we have not tested these products as of yet, so this is solely a promotion rather than recommendation. Thank you to Naz and Tania for the free samples they are providing us with!